Posts Tagged ‘parlor’

  1. Regal Floral Parlor c.1920’s

    November 2, 2014

    DSCF7342Regal Floral parlor Circa early 1920’s

    We think the youtube clip says it all. So full and punchy makes for a great finger picker and/or a real blues belter


    inc case.

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  2. Harmony Parlor Guitar c.1927

    October 22, 2014

    Oakland Vintage Parlor 1927Harmony Parlor Guitar

    Now this girl is a treat! Harmony made only a few of this model. In face, in 1927, this was the top of the line with solid spruce top, solid koa wood back and sides and checkerboard binding makes this guitar a testament to Harmony’s ability to make fine guitars when they put their mind to it. So beautiful


    inc case

  3. Del Oro Parlor Guitar C. 1930’s

    October 22, 2014

    DSCF7097Del Oro Parlor Guitar C. 1930’s

    In a long forgotten time…

    All the hope and glory envisioned by America is summed up in the motif’s screenprinted on this guitar. The art deco imaginings of sky scrapers and jack bauds suggest better times ahead.

    Beautiful solid birch construction with maple fretboard. New fretboard, refret, bridgeplate and soundboard rebracing and reinforcement. She’s recieved the whole 9 yards.


    case inc

  4. American Hawaiian Vintage Parlor Guitar c. 1930’s

    October 22, 2014

    Hawaiian Vintage Parlor GuitarAmerican Hawaiian Vintage Parlor Guitar

    This little baby was so beautiful when we got her that the idea of “modding” her from a pin bridge to a string through body was not going to fly. So we did only what was needed; Neck reset, refret, replace broken bracings etc. Check out that decal, check out that label, would you do to a beautiful vintage parlor guitar than that?

    And she sounds amazing! History history history! It’s all here for very little

    $1295 inc Case


  5. Oahu Hawaiian Parlor c.1928

    May 23, 2014


    Built in the Hawaii in the heyday of the hawaiian lap steel craze, this little girl was restored in our workshop some 5 years ago and is a treat to play.

    Sadly her previous owner is down sizing and moving overseas.

    So we are very lucky that this vintage example is staying in Australia.

    $1450.00 inc case

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  6. 1942 Serenader Parlor Guitar

    April 2, 2014

    1942 Serender Parlor Guitar


    Made by the Richter guitar co. of Chicago, this little baby is one of the most beautiful sounding parlors that we’ve restored. Vintage tone with exceptional volume, coupled with incredible playability. Everything has been done here. Re built and re braced. Amazing mid range punch whilst keeping the highs and lows in the mix


    inc case